We started the Telluride Workshop series on Computational Materials Chemistry since 2015.

Founding organizers:

De-en Jiang, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside

Graeme Henkelman, Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin

Richard Hennig, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville

Jeffrey Greeley, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University

2021: Focus topic “Machine Learning”; hybrid format: in person; virtual; 06/27/2021 - 07/01/2021.

Confirmed attendees

In person participants

  1. De-en Jiang     UC Riverside
  2. Graeme Henkelman          UT Austin
  3. Richard Hennig              U. Florida
  4. Joshua Schrier              Fordham U.
  5. Heather Kulik     MIT
  6. Greg Beran              UC Riverside
  7. Zack Ulissi              Carnegie Mellon
  8. Jason Goodpaster     U. Minnesota
  9. Diego Gómez-Gualdrón    Colorado School of Mines

Virtual participants

  1. Ichigaku Takigawa     RIKEN, JAPAN
  2. Maria Chan     Argonne National Lab
  3. Aleksey Kolmogorov     SUNY Binghamton
  4. Matthias Rupp               U. of Konstanz
  5. Eva Zurek               SUNY Buffalo
  6. Giulia Galli               U. of Chicago
  7. Alan Asparu-Guzik      U. of Toronto
  8. Gabor Csanyi      U. of Cambridge
  9. Ryoji Asahi                Nagoya U.
  10. Victor Fung                         Oak Ridge National Lab
  11. Hongliang Xin                Virginia Tech
  12. Taylor Sparks                     U. Utah
  13. Brett Savoie                        Purdue U.

2019: Focus topic “Electrochemical Interfaces”; webpage; 07/16/2019 - 07/20/2019.

2017: Focus topic “2D Materials”; Program for 8/7/2017 - 8/11/2017.

2015: Focus topic “Structure Prediction”; Program for 06/23/2015 - 06/27/2015.

2023: Focus topic: predictive modeling of reactions in condensed phases; in person; 07/17/2023 - 07/21/2023.

2025: Focus topic: accelerated transition-state search and reaction mechanism discovery;

07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025.